Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say
Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say by Elaine Jarvik Deseret News Monday, April 6, 2009 Tiny red and gray chips found in the
Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say by Elaine Jarvik Deseret News Monday, April 6, 2009 Tiny red and gray chips found in the
Super-Explosive Found in WTC Remains Scientists found an active high-quality ‘super-explosive’ in the dust collected after the attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001.
9/11 Truth: WTC Was Designed To Take MULTIPLE Jetliner Impacts
Here is a compilation of various thermite reactions. Now, take a look at molten metal pouring out of the South Tower before the building collapsed
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes author of The Energy Non Crisis, Pastor Lindsey Williams. Pastor Williams is a whistle blower who worked for three years
This episode of Visibility 9-11 features an interview with former air traffic controller Robin Hordon. Mr. Hordon provides a valuable insight into the inner workings
This broadcast features an interview with Judith Pfeif of Durango Colorado. Judith recently filed a lawsuit against the local paper, The Durango Herald, for refusing
Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program this week, Cosmos of TruthAction.org, home of the 11th of Every Month Action Campaign and the 9-11 Truth Squads.
This broadcast takes a close look at the attack on the Pentagon, including a critical review of the film 9-11 In Plane Site. Music by
Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program professor of physics Dr. Steven E. Jones Ph.D. In November of 2005, Dr. Jones released his research paper Why
This podcast features an in studio visit with activist and 9-11 truth seeker David Harris about waking up friends and family to the official lies
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program, PhD Physicist Steven E. Jones for an update on his ongoing research into clues hidden in