The NSA’s “Lone Wolf” Justification for Mass Spying Is B.S.
All of the Chairs of the 9/11 Commission and the Congressional Investigation Into 9/11 Say It’s “Implausible” that the 9/11 Hijackers Acted Without Government Backing
All of the Chairs of the 9/11 Commission and the Congressional Investigation Into 9/11 Say It’s “Implausible” that the 9/11 Hijackers Acted Without Government Backing
This broadcast features national security whistle blower Richard Grove in his own words. Richard provides an insider’s look into Cui Bono, or who benifited from
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes elections investigator and former Associate Director of Kathleen Wynne. Kathleen appears in a new Emmy nominated documentary titled Hacking
Visibility 9-11 welcomes special guest, Ellen Mariani, wife of Neil Mariani who was aboard United Flight 175 which was flown into the South Tower of
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Guy Razer. Col. Razer has publicly stated: “After 4+ years of research since retirement in
This week Visibility 9-11 visits the topic of COINTELPRO in the 4th part of a new series on issues facing the 9-11 Truth Movement. “Left
Your comments keep us going. Here are just a few to share: Just wanted to say really enjoy your show, listen to alex’s now and
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program Brothers Raymond and Elliott of Beit Shalom Ministries for an update on the Denver to D.C.
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes attorney James Gourley, author of the Request for Correction petition to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST’s