So says James Rickards, author of the hot bestseller, The Death of Money, The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System, which presents a persuasive argument that citizens of planet earth face an imminent global financial meltdown, one that will make 2008 look like a warm up.
Rickards’ book includes insightful chapters about Germany and the Eurozone, the BRICS, China, the IMF, as well as a clear analysis about how the Federal Reserve has painted itself into a fiscal corner from which there is no exit and now faces insolvency.
Unfortunately, to get to all of this valuable material the reader must first wade through hip-deep hogwash in chapter one, in which the author reviews the evidence for insider trading in the days before the 9/11 attacks.
In chapter one Rickards’ otherwise clear vision fails him.
The author is absolutely correct that pre-9/11 insider trading did occur. Rickards also correctly notes that “every transaction has two parties,” meaning that every put and call option leaves a paper trail. But Rickards insults our intelligence when he tells us that associates of Osama bin Laden were responsible for the insider trading.
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