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Newly Released Memo: Government ‘Minders’ at 9/11 Commission Interviews ‘Intimidated’ Witnesses – Kevin Fenton

9/11 Commission Memo entitled “Executive Branch Minders’ Intimidation of Witnesses,” complains that:

* Minders “answer[ed] questions directed at witnesses;”

* Minders acted as “monitors, reporting to their respective agencies on Commission staffs lines of inquiry and witnesses’ verbatim responses.” The staff thought this “conveys to witnesses that their superiors will review their statements and may engage in retribution;” and

* Minders “positioned themselves physically and have conducted themselves in a manner that we believe intimidates witnesses from giving full and candid responses to our questions.”

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About Us

Michael Wolsey, founder Visibility 9-11

I was first exposed to the idea that we weren’t being given the truth about the events of September 11th, 2001 in mid 2003. A very good friend had been trying to get me to look into the alternative viewpoint but I was very resistant, even hostile to his accusations against the Bush administration. I am politically conservative and I voted for GW Bush in 2000, and even though I harbored distrust for government, I believed in our Constitution and what I considered to be the independent media here in America. I believed our leaders, beyond all, would honor their oaths of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I also believed the media would report on such matters of importance if indeed any of the alternative views had any merit. What a surprise I was in for when I looked more closely.

rally2-91105After I finally consented to viewing a documentary film on 9-11, I still did not believe that 9-11 was an “inside job”. However, the film contained a section on the USA PATRIOT act and the assault on our God given freedoms. While I did not buy what I myself called the 9-11 “conspiracy theory”, the PATRIOT act was very real and I could read it and see exactly how our freedoms were being eroded. I learned that this massive document had been released just two short days after 9-11, and was rammed through Congress with much pressure by the Bush administration. I thought it all too convenient and my suspicions grew. As I peeled back the layers of the 9-11 onion, I began to see why so many were beginning to question the events of that tragic day. It took me an entire year of reading everything I could get my hands on about the 9-11 attacks before I was confident enough to go public with my fears that we were not being told the truth about 9-11.

Being involved in 9-11 Truth has changed my life dramatically. In the process of accepting the horrifying truth about 9-11, my eyes have been opened up and I now question everything our government and media does. I no longer believe we have an independent media in America and get my information from other sources like books, REAL talk radio, and the internet. I have spent thousands of my own money and devoted countless hours to street activism, public education about 9-11 and its aftermath, and producing radio programs to be heard on the air waves and internet broadcasts.

I believe I have had the biggest impact for 9-11 Truth by doing my program Visibility 9-11, I was first exposed to the world of broadcasting through my good friend George Flynn who is the host of the radio program Words of Freedom. I began, nervously enough, as a guest on Words of Freedom and George would interview me about the events of 9-11 and the knowledge I had gathered. We also talked a lot about our activities with our newly formed local group, Colorado 9-11 Visibility. Eventually, George asked me if I would guest host the program for him while he was out of town on business. Although I was very nervous about the idea, I wholeheartedly accepted knowing that I had to do everything possible to bring this information to as many people as possible. This began my interest in doing radio broadcasts for 9-11 truth and I have since been made a full blown co-host of Words of Freedom sharing in the responsibility of producing a weekly program for KRFC 88.9 FM, a local FM station in Fort Collins Colorado,

In late 2005, I eventually had the desire to host my own radio program but due to various reasons, it wasn’t going to be possible at any of the local stations here in my area of Colorado. This was when I learned of a new internet technology called podcasting. Podcasting allows anyone with a computer and microphone to produce a radio program of any genre to be broadcast out over the internet. I pulled together a bare minimum of equipment and in January of 2006, I launched Visibility 9-11, The podcast dedicated to exposing the fraud of the official story of September 11th, 2001. My program was the first of its kind and today is still one of the only reputable broadcasts devoted to the 9-11 cover-up. I feature an information based program with major 9-11 activists and citizen researchers who have worked so hard for 9-11 truth. All of my previous programs are available for download and distribution at my website,

Over time, the response I have gotten has vastly changed from rejection and disbelief from people I would talk with, to a very real concern that we haven’t been told the truth. More people than ever are beginning to challenge the official lies of 9-11. I have listeners from all over the world and continually get letters and emails thanking me for the work that I do.

Notable Accomplishments in the 9-11 Truth Movement-

Co-Founder of the Colorado 9-11 Visibility Project, June 2004
Steering Committee,, March 2006- August 2007
Advisory Board,, August 2007 Present
Co-Host, Words of Freedom Radio Show, KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins Colorado, 2005 – Present
Host, Visibility 9-11, January 2006 – Present


John Bursill – Guest Host, Visibility 9-11 Podcast

John Bursill (Born 1968) is a Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer based in Sydney Australia working on Boeing Aircraft and is qualified in Avionics (Elect/Inst/Radio) on the 767, 747 and 737 series aircraft. He is a family man and involved with numerous community events and organisations. John has served his country as a member of the Australian Army Reserve over many years and finished up as acting Operations/Intelligence Sargent for 4/3 RNSWR. John considers himself a true patriot of his country and a supporter of the US alliance in the sense of us together supporting our national security, freedom and justice throughout the world, unfortunately this is not the case at present!

His community affiliations include;

Delegate: Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association
Member: Returned Serviceman’s League or Australia
Member: Amnesty International
Member: Lions International

John has been a Truth and Justice Activist and Geo-Political Researcher since 2006 with a tight focus on the 9/11 events and the new world that followed in the era of preemtive warfare. In January 2006 John viewed the film “Loose Change – 2nd Edition” on the internet after a fellow Aircraft Engineer he worked with expressed a concern that maybe one of those crazy “conspiracy theories” might actually be true and suggested he watch the film. John had a great struggle with the evidence presented in this amateur documentary and was very keen to debunk it. Unfortunately even though the film makers had made a few mistakes and allowed speculation to creep into their production it was obvious that the “Official Conspiracy Theory” was not true. Since then he is doing all that one man can to find the truth and to inform the public of that truth to hopefully create interest in questioning Australian and US foreign policy based on a 9/11 delusion.

John after many years of research is convinced that 9/11 was a psychological operation designed to promote a war agenda spelt out by the Neo-Cons around the Bush/Cheney Administration and specifically the “Project for the New American Century” in their manifesto “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”. It seems to John based on the evidence that 9/11 was perpetrated and/or covered up by elements within the United States Government, the Military Industrial Security Complex and with the assistance of individuals in the FBI and NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology). It also is blatantly obvious that the “9/11 Commission” was set up to fail as has been said by many of the commissioners and their chairmen Keen and Hamilton; this is completely unacceptable and is a slap in the face for the family members of the victims which include ten Australian’s families.

Some of John’s achievements and associations within the 9/11 Truth Movement;

Member: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Member: Visibility 9-11 Team
Principle organiser: Truth Now Tour Sydney Conference 2008
Principle organiser: Delusion 9/11 Public Meeting 2008
Principle organiser: The Hard Evidence Tour Down Under 2009
Principle organiser: Niels Harritt Public Lecture in Sydney 2010
Podcast Host: Visibility 9-11 since January 2010
Adviser and Team Member: 911 Truth News
Contributor/Commentator: Truth News Australia

John has also served as a spokesman for the 9/11 Truth Movement in Australia on Television, Radio and in person at events and conferences Australia wide. John was and is still involved in organising protests in Sydney . In early in 2007 John and Hereward Fenton of and took action in a Sydney 9/11 Truth Protest being the first to do so as part of this international campaign. John also writes about 9/11 Truth and Truth and Justice issues at sites like , , , and .

You can contact John at or find him on FaceBook at

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