Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Wayne Prante, Vancouver 9-11 Truth

This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes Wayne Prante, member of the Vancouver 9-11 Truth Society and organizer of the Vancouver 9-11 Truth Conference to be held Jun 22-24, 2007 in Vancouver British Columbia.

The theme of the conference is “9-11, Canada, and the New World Order – Reclaiming Our Destiny” and will therefore focus not only on what did or did not occur on that day, but will also look critically at what has been done, and is being done today by our own government(s) with 9-11 as the justification, and why Canadians and people around the world must demand a new, full, fair and impartial investigation into 9-11.  Featured speakers at this conference include Dr. Steven E. Jones, Webster Tarpley, Peter Dale Scott, Barrie Zwicker, and many others.

Direct download: visibility911_vancouver.mp3

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