Fast and Furious - WTC7
A fact filled rush through the WTC7 story
A fact filled rush through the WTC7 story
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This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program Kyle Hence, founder of 9-11 Citizens Watch and producer of the excellent documentary 9-11 Press
In this special broadcast of Visibility 9-11, Michael guest hosts the third of a series of interviews for the radio program Words of Freedom with
This broadcast features an interview with author and researcher Jim Hoffman. Jim is the producer of the websites and and co-author of the
This important episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program Physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones. Dr. Jones is a retired physics professor and first
This podcast takes a close look at media accounts of tragedies such as OKC and 9-11 as they happened, when the news reports were still
This important episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program chemist and whistleblower Kevin Ryan. Kevin is a chemist who is formerly of Underwriter
This broadcast features national security whistle blower Richard Grove in his own words. Richard provides an insider’s look into Cui Bono, or who benefited from
This week Michael covers the historical precedence of a 9-11 style, false flag terror event in America. Using the PowerPoint presentation he prepared for their