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Newly Released Memo: Government ‘Minders’ at 9/11 Commission Interviews ‘Intimidated’ Witnesses – Kevin Fenton

9/11 Commission Memo entitled “Executive Branch Minders’ Intimidation of Witnesses,” complains that:

* Minders “answer[ed] questions directed at witnesses;”

* Minders acted as “monitors, reporting to their respective agencies on Commission staffs lines of inquiry and witnesses’ verbatim responses.” The staff thought this “conveys to witnesses that their superiors will review their statements and may engage in retribution;” and

* Minders “positioned themselves physically and have conducted themselves in a manner that we believe intimidates witnesses from giving full and candid responses to our questions.”

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Architect vs. Blacksmith: Viral 9/11 Truth-Debunking Blacksmith Gets It All Wrong

For the undying 9/11 MORONIC STEEL = AIR ARGUMENT

Published on Jan 26, 2016

In the words of Trenton Tye (aka The Blacksmith), why don’t these dumb things die?
Tye’s video: — AE911Truth:

Viral 9/11 Truth-Debunking Blacksmith Gets It All Wrong —
Debunker Debunked: Blacksmith Unwittingly Proves Controlled Demolition-AE911Truth Statement

For the undying 9/11 MORONIC JET FUEL ARGUMENT

Above is the moron blacksmith who felt the need to comment on something that he obviously does not understand and in the process shows himself to be a fool.

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