Jon Gold

You may have heard of the 28 redacted pages from the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11. They have been redacted for years, and the 9/11 families and others have been fighting for their release since the day it was announced they were redacted. According to people like former Senator Bob Graham, those pages talk about alleged Saudi Government support for the hijackers.
Recently, there was a short segment on 60 Minutes about the pages. This resulted in a much needed push for the release of the 28 redacted pages. When Obama first came into office, it was reported that he told 9/11 Family Member Kristen Breitweiser “that he was willing to make the pages public.” A few years later, according to 9/11 Family Member Bill Doyle, Obama told him “Bill, I will get them released.”
Many times throughout Obama’s Presidency, we have seen him protect the Saudis against the 9/11 Families who want their day in court. Right now, he is threatening to veto a bill called JASTA that would finally give the families that day in court.
The 28 pages were originally classified by the Bush Administration “for reasons of national security.” Obama said that “Jim Clapper, our director of national intelligence, has been going through to make sure that whatever it is that is released is not gonna compromise some major national security interest of the United States.”
We have heard from many people who have read them say that there is nothing in those pages that would affect national security. Rep. Walter Jones said “there’s nothing in it about national security.” Former Sen. Bob Graham has said “they do not affect national security.”
Yesterday, the former Chair and Co-Chair of the discredited 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean & Lee Hamilton released a statement that said “we would recommend that steps be taken to protect the identities of anyone who has been ruled out by authorities as having any connection to the 9/11 plot.”
In other words, they don’t want all of the names within the 28 redacted pages released. As 9/11 Family Member Lorie Van Auken stated the other day on CNN, one of the names listed might be Prince Bandar. Or “Bandar Bush.”
Indeed. Former 9/11 Commissioner John Lehman said “yes. The average intelligent watcher of 60 Minutes would recognize them instantly,” and Rep. Walter Jones said “it’s about the Bush Administration and its relationship with the Saudis.”
If a close personal friend of the Bush family and George Tenet’s is listed within those pages, I think the American people, and the people of the world deserve to know about it. When the 9/11 Commission met with Bush and Cheney behind closed doors, not under oath, with no transcripts allowed, 9/11 Commissioner John Lehman asked Bush about an allegation concerning Princess Haifa and Prince Bandar. Apparently, Bush “dodged the questions.” After his meeting with the 9/11 Commission, Bush held a press conference and said that he “answered every question they asked.” Certainly doesn’t sound like it.
Today, it was reported that the Obama Administration “will likely soon release at least part of a 28-page secret chapter from a congressional inquiry into 9/11…” That is a slap in the face to the 9/11 families and to the people of the world.
All documents pertaining to 9/11 should immediately be released, and completely unredacted. President Bush’s PDBs that came before 9/11 that Kurt Eichenwald reported on, and said “the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.” The 80k documents pertaining to the Sarasota/Atta/Saudi story that Dan Christensen is working on. All of the documentation from the 9/11 Commission, including Prince Bandar’s Memorandum For The Record which is currently classified. Any and all documentation pertaining to 9/11 should be released. PERIOD!!!
Protecting those allegedly involved in the murder of 2,976 people is Treason, and the American people shouldn’t stand for it.
As the September Eleventh Advocates recently stated “no amount of money, no greed, no power, no regional interest could ever be worth such treason.”