Obama's Speech in Egypt Warns Not to Challenge Official 9/11 Story
President Obama’s speech in Egypt echoes Bush’s speech to the UN, in its warning not to challenge the 9/11 story. Remarks begin approximately 17:30
President Obama’s speech in Egypt echoes Bush’s speech to the UN, in its warning not to challenge the 9/11 story. Remarks begin approximately 17:30
On this podcast, Michael poses many serious questions to our Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush about what happened on September 11th, 2001. Direct Download this episode
Visibility 9-11 welcome’s David Slesinger to the program to talk about his upcoming action campaign of non-violent civil disobedience. The first action, Escalate Now! by
This week Michael covers the historical precedence of a 9-11 style, false flag terror event in America. Using the PowerPoint presentation he prepared for their
Visibility 9-11 welcome’s musician, author, and researcher Don Paul to the show this week. Don is the author of several 9-11 related books including 9/11;
On this, the first anniversary of the 7-7 bombings in London, Visibility 9-11 welcomes the Chairman of the 9-11 truth Movement in the U.K., Ian
Long time 9/11 Activist, Jon Gold joins Visibility 9-11 this week. Jon was a member of the 911Truth.org Steering Committee. He has confronted Rep. Curt
This podcast is a continuation from last week exploring the PowerPoint presentation by physics professor Steven E. Jones. Professor Jones asks the burning question “Why
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes 9-11 activist and artist John Parulis, creator of the 9-11 TruthBurn Project which will be part of the Burning Man