Confronting Cognitive Dissonance – The Eyeopener

by James Corbett
March 25, 2014

Have you or a loved one ever found yourself saying something like this?

Or this?

Or this?

Then you might be suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance? What’s that?

The theory of cognitive dissonance was first posited by American social psychologist Leon Festinger in 1957 to explain the discomfort and mental stress that we feel when our beliefs, ideals or values don’t match up to reality.

Festinger’s theory states that when people are in a state of dissonance, that is, when their beliefs or values don’t match up with their behaviour or experiences, they will adjust those beliefs or values, or even adjust their perception of reality, in order to achieve consonance. Furthermore, Fesinger showed that people will actively avoid situations or information that might challenge those beliefs and values in order to avoid dissonance.

This theory helps us to understand how someone can both deny and admit the existence of a conspiracy in the very same breath.

Or how someone can argue for and against the idea that the owner of a publication is essential in determining what its reporters can or can’t talk about.

Or how someone who claims to have studied an institution can deny that it was the product of a conspiracy that was admitted by its conspirators.

Or how someone can claim that if 9/11 had been an inside job it would be the greatest event in the history of American politics and simultaneously an event of no significance whatsoever.

Indeed, 9/11 represents one of the greatest examples of cognitive dissonance in our own era. The public was so traumatized by the reporting of the events of that day that they have become emotionally invested in believing in the official account of those events.

When confronted on this subject, victims of cognitive dissonance will often become abusive and angrylashing out verbally.

As a number of psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors explain, these responses are a natural defense mechanism when faced with something threatening to our world view.

If these symptoms describe you or someone you know, you may be suffering from cognitive dissonance. Those suffering from such dissonance might be conditioned to expect some form of medication to be available to repress these symptoms, but this too is a lie that must be confronted. In truth, the only thing that can overcome this dissonance is to admit to yourself that you’ve been lied to, and to inform yourself about those lies.

For more information on the truth about 9/11, big pharma, the American police state, the NATO war agenda, Gladio B and false flag terror, and a range of other subjects that the public has been lied to about, please subscribe to this YouTube channel, and visit

This has been a public service announcement from The Corbett Report…confronting cognitive dissonance one report at a time.

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