Lucas Alexander presents for “Age Of Truth*TV” – Dr. NIELS HARRIT ~ “9/11 & THE SEVENTH TOWER”, an in-depth interview-documentary with the Danish associate Professor of chemistry and nano-science, and a famous 9/11 truth researcher who has been giving lectures in many different countries. What exactly happened on the infamous world-changing date, September the 11th 2001 in New York and Washington? 9/11 has become a mystery to many people who question the official story of what happened to the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Especially because of the mysterious collapse of a third building on the same day, World Trade Center Bulding 7, which was not hit by a plane. Dr. Niels Harrit explains in details why he is certain as a scientist that the World Trade Center Building 7 could only collapse because of explosives inside the building orchestrated carefully in order to perform a controlled demolition. He also goes into great detail about why the two airliners, the planes that hit the Twin Towers, could not have caused the buildings to collapse, and why he believes it also was a controlled demolition, with the use of nano thermite to explode the two steel frame high risers. Dr. Harrit also explain at length about all of the most crucial and important factual aspects concerning the whole 9/11 phenomenon. Everything that occurred on September the 11th 2001 step by step in New York at the World Trade Center and at the Pentagon in Washington. He also talks about Osama Bin Laden and Al Quada´s role in the horrific attacks that changed the world, and why he believes that official explanation of the 19 hijackers carrying out the attacks is impossible according to him. Age Of Truth TV speaks from a journalistic, non-partial, open-minded, critical and in-depth point of view, and is asking questions to Dr. Harrit as a beginners guide to an alternative view of the events that took place on 9/11, and why the Truth movement is divided on this topic matter of how the attacks were carried out. The interview took place at the University of Copenhagen on February 20, 2013. The film premiered as a cinema-style presentation before a live audience in Copenhagen, Denmark on March 19, 2014.