David Chandler 9 11 Anniversary Physics Talk (2018)
From the introductory material for this talk: With a clarity that both the layperson and the scientist can understand, David will answer these questions as
From the introductory material for this talk: With a clarity that both the layperson and the scientist can understand, David will answer these questions as
https://lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/7-nov-2018-u-s-attorney-geoffrey-berman-will-comply-with-18-usc-section-3332/ On Monday November 26, 2018, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a nonprofit public interest organization, announced its receipt of a letter from the
Summary: New Trove of 9/11 Documents Released by Jeremy Gordonhttps://www.lawfareblog.com/summary-new-trove-911-documents-releasedEXCERPTOn Oct. 15, J.M. Berger, a prolific author and researcher on extremism, made public on
Conspiracy Theory: A Philosophical Defense (A booklet for general audiences) SUMMARY: The phrase “conspiracy theory” is often used as a pejorative, especially by people who
Firefighters were called out to a major incident that supposedly occurred at the White House, minutes after the Pentagon was attacked on September 11, 2001.
The new book Watchdogs Didn’t Bark by John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski, reports that former NSA executive and whistleblower Thomas Drake said that former NSA Signals
The book The Watchdogs Didn’t Bark by John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski, with new insider interviews and documentary evidence, convincingly establishes that named people at the CIA
Episode 346 – 9/11 War Games on The Corbett Report Transcript with resources – https://www.corbettreport.com/911wargames/ … Little did we know at the time, 9/11 was
Why can’t mainstream experts melt steel with thermite? THERMATE = Thermite + SULFUR (The FEMA report could not explain the source of the SULFUR)Learn more:
In August 2016, Peter Michael Ketcham, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), began looking into the reports his agency
Updated: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjophWeMbRuakBJMYPrgFDzB5kji
From the History Commons Groups blog: New entries have been added to the Complete 9/11 Timeline at History Commons, which describe many incidents relating to the
June 24, 2018 by Kevin Ryan In 2008, Harvard professors Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule proposed that the government should engage in “cognitive infiltration” of
At least three notable anomalous events occurred at the World Trade Center in the weeks and months leading up to September 11, 2001, which may
In the aftermath of 9/11, those in power who failed to protect the US and defend the Constitution before 9/11 used the attacks as a
A Blanket of Dust is a political thriller and a new addition to the Theater of Resistance. A Blanket of Dust is the story of
April 12, 2015 by Kevin Ryan Next week will mark the 20th anniversary of the terrorist bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, which killed 168
by David Chandler – April 11, 2018 What does it take for a tall building to collapse downward through its own structure at absolute free
In Pursuit of 9/11 Justice: Lawyers’ Committee Files Petition for Federal Grand Jury Investigation Free FallPublished on Apr 13, 2018 Host Andy Steele is joined
April 8, 2018 by Kevin Ryan Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been in the news lately due to his inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016
Excerpt from article ” U.S. District Judge George Daniels in Manhattan ruled that the lawsuit may proceed, citing the 2016 Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program, former California state Senator Don Rogers. Don was born in Louisiana and is a graduate of Louisiana
This show discusses the topics of where was the U.S. Air Force on 9-11, the strange behavior of the President and the stand down of
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes Wayne Prante, member of the Vancouver 9-11 Truth Society and organizer of the Vancouver 9-11 Truth Conference to be held
This important episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program chemist and whistleblower Kevin Ryan. Kevin is a chemist who is formerly of Underwriter
George Orwell’s classic novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, is essential reading for any truth seeker to understanding what is going on in America and the world today.
This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes Mark Watterson, author of the new book Don’t Weep for Me America; How Democracy in America Became the Prince. Mark
The podcast is the first in a series, going through the PowerPoint presentation by physics professor Steven E. Jones. Dr. Jones brings to light scientific
This week, Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson to the program. Long time freedom advocate, Senator Johnson recently drew fire in the media