Review by John Bursill
If you really want to know who “did” 9/11, this film “The New American Century” by Massimo Mazzucco does a great job at setting out both who called for it and who befitted from it!
While this production is successful in confronting deeply disturbing recent American and world history, its greatest achievement is that it presents the real and clear message that the American Neo-Cons are in control of our world at war today. It makes the case indirectly that their control will continue to be a reality until the real history of the events on September 11th, 2001 are confronted by the American public.
See: Project for a New American Century
I would dispute the validity of the makers of this film speculation on the Pentagon attack regarding flight 77 hitting the building. But as they do not make any claims as to what happened I feel this film is fine for a wide distribution. In general it’s solid, well made and hard evidence based! Unfortunately the creator of this film has promoted less well researched material and is seen by many as a classic “conspiracy theorist”; never the less this is a good film.
“The New American Century” reminds me why I am a 9/11 Truth Advocate and it steels my resolve to continue to fight for truth and justice until the end of the Neo-Con era.