Urge Geraldo Rivera to Report on Rethink911

Contact Geraldo Rivera, host of “Geraldo At Large,” a nationally syndicated show on Fox News Channel and urge him to report on the Rethink911 campaign that is currently in 12 major cities and includes a billboard in Times Square. Tell him that 2,000 architects and engineers plus family members want a real WTC investigation and are sponsoring this campaign, and that Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti will reappear as guests on his show! Let him know that the campaign has been reported on by Ben Swann, CBS-Philadelphia, and Time Magazine — and is causing much controversy in Ottawa, Canada about freedom of speech issues. Inform him about the new public opinion poll which shows that half of Americans have doubts about the official 9/11 story. Be sure to include the website: http://www.Rethink911.org

After all Geraldo did report on the BuildingWhat? campaign in 2010 that was seen nationally and triggered a frenzy of other media coverage. Clearly it’s worth taking a second to email him. He likes to report on controversial issues.

Geraldo At Large airs Weekends 10 PM ET on Fox News Channel nationally.
Contact: atlarge@foxnews.com


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Words of Freedom

Due to technical difficulties, Michael brings to the listeners excerpts from the Words of Freedom CD by George Flynn.  Featured in this broadcast from Words

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