Visibility 9-11 Welcomes David Slesinger,

Visibility 9-11 welcome’s David Slesinger to the program to talk about his upcoming action campaign of non-violent civil disobedience.  The first action, Escalate Now! by Davids newly formed group, will be to leaflet the opening of the new Oliver Stone film World Trade Center in an attempt to stage non-violent civil disobedience actions in 24 states on August 9, 2006.  This is an ongoing action campaign which will continue at other films and opportunities until the truth about the September 11th attacks is known.

Direct download: visibility911_Slesinger.mp3

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From the Podcast Archive

9-11; Historical Precedence

This week Michael covers the historical precedence of a 9-11 style,  false flag terror event in America.  Using the PowerPoint presentation he prepared for their

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