Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program Kevin Ryan. Kevin is a former Site Manager working for Underwriters Laboratories, the company which certified the steel which was used in the construction of the World Trade Center twin towers. UL was also contracted by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) to conduct tests of floor model assemblies of the WTC during their investigation on the trade center collapses. Kevin blew the whistle in November of 2004 with his letter to the director of the NIST investigation, Frank Gayle, raising questions about the outcome of the findings of the investigation. Kevin was subsequently fired in retaliation and has since been a force in exposing the fraud of September 11th. Kevin is a member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice and co-editor at the Journal of 9-11 Studies.
Direct download: visibility911_ryan.mp3