Webster Tarpley Attacks 9-11 Activists on 6th Anniversary in NYC

Webster Tarpley Attacks 9-11 Activists on 6th Anniversary in NYC

If you drag the play indicator to one hour and 33 minute mark, you can witness the outrageous ad hominem attacks for yourself. I urge everyone to closely read my essay, 9-11 Synthetic Error – The meltdown of Webster G. Tarpley

UPDATE:  After exposing Webster Tarpley as a disinformation specialist, this video mysteriously disappeared off the internet.  You can still read about these unprecedented attacks on 9-11 activists Arabesque, Cosmos, and Michael Wolsey by reading the article 9-11 Synthetic Error – The meltdown of Webster G. Tarpley.  Fortunately, we still have the audio of Webster Tarpley attacking the 9-11 activists on his radio show which can be downloaded here.

You can also see the professionally commissioned cartoon featuring these 9-11 activists which was produced by Webster Tarpley and transmitted around the internet.

Editor’s Note:  UPDATE – Shortly after this video of Webster Tarpley attacking 9-11 activists surfaced, Webster Tarpley was soundly spanked and delegated to the un-trustable fringe of the movement by myself and many others.  It wasn’t long after that, this video disappeared down the memory hole.  I strongly urge the person who owns this video to put it back on youtube to better document this ugly chapter in 9-11 truth.  Fortunately, we still have the audio from Webster Tarpley’s radio program, basically saying the same things he said in this video, of course, without showing our pictures to an audience at a 9-11 anniversary event in NYC.

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